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Mystery TV Legacy Challenge #S4MTV

Mystery means adventure and thrilling (supernatural) stories.

Basically the perfect foundation for a Sims challenge.

In 5 generations you'll live through the ups and downs of life with your Sims.

General rules and hints:

  • ​ATTENTION: This challenge contains spoilers about the storylines of the series. In some parts just loosely oriented.

  • You may choose the names and genders. The given ones are only for orientation towards the series characters.

  • You may affect the genders of the children though.

  • Try to maximize the aspirations, careers (the last one where there's several) and skills (at least one) of the active generation.

  • If children are born before the given times that's okay. But they're in addition.

  • Character changes are allowed. You may even cheat them if they allign with the development of the character.

  • Whether you wish to use other cheats is up to you. Not using them is a plus for the sake of having fun in the game.

  • The rewards store may be used.

  • You may choose the lifespan yourself. At least "normal" should help you to be able to play the whole story progression.

  • Parts of the challenge can be changed towards your own game preferences (e. g. different career, skills, cities...)

Generation 1: Stranger Things

​Sim: Mike Wheeler (age: teenager)

City: Strangerville (pack: Strangerville)

Intro: Mike spends a lot of time with his friends (Will, Dustin and Lucas). When Will disappears the others go looking for him. They discover that strange things are happening, there's something wrong with Strangerville.


CAS-traits: Geek, Insider, Adventurous
Additional traits: Curious, closely linked to his friends
Aspirations: Strangerville Mystery, Computer Whiz
Career: Programmer (Freelance)
Skills/Hobbies: Video gaming, board games, programming, bicycling
Story progession:

  1. While searching for your friend (Will) the rest of your friend group (Dustin, Lucas and you) stumbles across a secret laboratory. You sneak in but don't get very far. A big, mysterious door blocks your way and it seems to only open up with a special keycard.

  2. When sneaking back home from the laboratory you encounter a girl (Eleven/"El"). She seems to be a little confused, probably got lost or did she run away from someone? You bring her to your groups hangout spot, your basement (or another secret place if the house has no basement).

  3. El lives there secretly and is being taken care of by you for now. Meanwhile you and your friends try to find out more about the secret laboratory. Get a keycard.

  4. You manage to open the door and suddendly missing Will is standing in front of you. With his appearence strange particles are flowing out of the hallway you just discovered and the sky above Strangerville is being discolored.

  5. Will is acting kind of strange. At times other Sims are strolling around town in some kind of a trance too. You just have to find out what's in that basement of the secret laboratory. Your now complete again friends group including Eleven is about to find out. But when descending deeper into the sublevels El suddenly disappears and you can't get any further, at least not without protective gear.

  6. Keep exploring the mystery of Strangerville by completing tasks of the aspiration until you get into the deepest level of the secret laboratory. There you stumble upon Eleven and you find out what's behind the strange behavior in town.

  7. Complete further tasks of the aspiration up until the final showdown. That event is going to happen after your prom. At prom you ask El to dance and share a kiss by the end of the night.

  8. Then it's time: Eradicate the infestation of Strangerville.

  9. You did it and saved the town. You get together with Eleven and live a carefree life. You work as a Programmer (Freelance) and have two children (Elena and Jeremy).

As soon as Elena is a teenager, you can start the next generation.

Strangerville Stand.png
Strangerville Mutter.png

Generation 2: The Vampire Diaries

​Sim: Elena (Gilbert)

Cities: Forgotten Hollow (pack: Vampires), Willow Creek (Basegame)

Intro: Elenas parents lose their lives in an accident and she and her brother Jeremy have to move in with their relative (Jenna) in Forgotten Hollow. Mysterious things are happening and the Salvatore brothers, who recently moved there too, seem to have a secret of their own.

CAS-traits: Generous, Romantic, Ambitious
Additional traits: Empathetic, helpful, selfless
Aspiration: Goal Oriented (teenager), Successful Lineage
Career: Doctor
Skills/Hobbies: Writing, vampire lore, parenting

Story progession:

  1. You've been through some tough times after the loss of your parents but are ready to face everyday life again. Your friends (Bonnie and Caroline) are there to support you.

  2. You love to write into your diary and found a quiet place for it at the local graveyard, where you can feel close to your parents. There you meet a charming stranger (Stefan) who happens to be new at your school.

  3. Strange things are happening in town. A resident claims she was bitten by a vampire but of course everyone thinks she's crazy. Vampires? They don't exist!

  4. You get along great with Stefan and the two of you become a couple. Soon you'll meet his brother (Damon). He keeps rambling on about some ex-lover of Stefan (Katherine), which makes him act strange however. When he finds you later you have a deep conversation and he confesses to you, that him and his brother are indeed vampires and who Katherine was.

  5. Suddenly Katherine appears in town and you're shocked: Not because she's a vampire too but because she looks exactly like you. She takes advantage of this by manipulating your surroundings so she can have Stefan and Damon all to herself.

  6. More secrets are revealed: Not only do vampires exist but witches and werewolves too. And they all seem to be magically attracted by Forgotten Hollow. Then there's these new ones in town which turn out to be powerful original vampires.

  7. At a clash of the occult Damon is injured severely. He's doing so bad, he's about to die. You share a kiss. When Katherine shows up with a remedy you find out that Stefan made a big sacrifice for it: He has to subdue an original vampire and shut off his humanity to go on a blood rage together. They leave town.

  8. You're fatally injured at an accident but are rescued by Damon who lets you drink his blood. You never wanted this but can't leave your loved ones hanging and decide to complete the transition to become a vampire.

  9. Ever since your tranformation you're magically drawn to Damon. Your friends aren't enthusiastic about this bad boy and pin your attraction on him turning you. But when the magical bond is broken you realize your feeling are real and get together with Damon.

  10. You're off to college with Caroline to study medicine. Everything's going well until a tragic event forces you to drop out: Bonnie and Damon die in yet another clash of the occult and their enemies.

  11. The grief seems to eat you up from the inside but suddenly Damon reappears and reports of some intermediate realm towards the great beyond in which he was trapped. He can't stand the thought of Bonnie being stuck in there still and decides to rescue her which he succeeds at finally. And Bonnie brought something with her: The cure for vampirism.

  12. You and Damon both want to take the cure and live a normal life. But when it's his turn a magic spell puts you into a deep sleep out of which you shall only wake when Bonnie dies.

  13. The years pass by. Stefan appears to you in a dream and reports about what happened during all this time. An incident made him human and he eventually sacrificed himself so you and his brother Damon could lead a human life.

  14. Bonnie finally manages to break the spell and wake you up. From now on you and Damon live a normal human life. You continue your studies and become a doctor. You'll have one child (Aria) and find a new home in Willow Creek.


As soon as Aria is a teenager, you can start the next generation.

Generation 3: Pretty Little Liars

Sim: Aria (Montgomery)

Cities: Willow Creek (Basegame), Copperdale (pack: Highschool Years)

Intro: Aria becomes part of a tight friend group early on in life (with Alison, Spencer, Hanna and Emily; it's up to you how big the friend group is, it should be at least 1 more besides Aria and Alison). But when one of them (Alison) goes missing, there's tension in the air. And that doesn't change when Aria gets back from her school vacation travels.

CAS-traits: Creative, Bookworm, Perfectionist
Additional traits: Mistrustful, literature enthusiast
Aspiration: Bestselling author
Career: Business (
Skills/Hobbies: Writing, photography, logic
Story progression:

  1. You just got back from your travels and get ready for the start of the new school year. You decide to grab a bite at a local bar. There you encounter a charming Sim (Ezra). It clicks instantly, the two of you got so much in common. You share a kiss.

  2. The shock follows in the morning: Your new English teacher is facing you and it's Ezra. As if in a trance you you read the text message you just got: A certain "A" somehow knows about the two of you.

  3. When one of your friends (Emily) breaks the ice and comes by to visit, you find out that she also got a message from A. You both believe that the somehow your disappeared group member (Alison) is behind it. You do have to admit that she had always been pretty manipulative.

  4. But your suspicion does not come true because a corpse is found soon after and it's Alison. At the funeral it is pointed out that the rest of the girls got messages from A as well. This Sim seems to know about all your secrets. Even the one that you're still secretly seeing Ezra.

  5. Time after time you try to unmask A but get drawn deeper and deeper into the happenings in Willow Creek in the progress and get into trouble for it. You just seem to fall for the tricks every single time.

  6. After you assumed it every now and then your suspicion is coming true: Alison is still alive and hiding. When you finally catch up with her she confesses that she too has gotten messages from A and that it's the reason she's hiding.

  7. When you come across an apartment with evidence you assume that Ezra is A because it's owned by him. Later it's revealed that it's research for a book he wants to write about Alisons disappearance. You're stunned about this secret and end the relationship.

  8. You're following another lead to As identity, when a dispute gets out of control and a Sim dies by your hand. As you will find out later it wasn't A and you try to find comfort with Ezra, who was there with you. Alison is back in town.

  9. It is brought to light that Alison had an older brother (Charles), who was abandoned by her parents at a young age because they couldn't accept that he feels feminine. It is later reaveled that the formerly suspected CeCe is in fact Charles and A. What started out as a harmless little game became CeCes obesession. She is committed to a psychiatric institution.

  10. ​You graduate highschool and go to university to study Communications. After your studies you work at a publisher in the Business (Management) career.

  11. After you lost sight of one another during your time at the university, you help Ezra to publish a book that you have actually vo-written with him.

  12. You get back together and get married eventually. Together you move onto a little farm in Copperdale.

  13. One day weeping can be heard at your doorstep. You realize that someone left a baby there. You take the little beeing (Clark) in. Soon you'll realize just how special Clark is: He's an alien.​​​


As soon as Clark is a teenager, you can start the next generation.

Generation 4: Smallville

Sim: Clark (Kent)

Cities: Copperdale (pack: Highschool Years), San Myshuno (pack: City Living)

Intro: When the demise of their home planet was inevitable, Clarks birth parents took him away as a baby and placed him at the doorstep of a home in Copperdale. His adoptive parents took him in and raised him caringly. With time Clark discovers his superhuman abilities and what it means to be an alien on earth.


CAS-traits: Socially Awkward, Active, Genius
Additional traits: Secretive, heroic
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Career: Writer (Journalist)
Skills/Hobbies: Fitness, gemology, rocket science
Story progression

  1. Most days you feel like any other normal teenager. But you are different. Even though you try to hide your extraterrestrial presence more and more superhuman abilities ermerge. You're extremely strong and fast.

  2. Someday you find out where you and your growing abilities are coming from. But you still hide it from your friends (Lex, Pete, Ross, Chloe - the number of friends is up to you, it should be 1 more Sim besides Lex though). And then there's someone else: You fall for a girl (Lana).

  3. You get closer to Lana and she becomes your girlfriend. But there are a lot of misunterstandings between the two of you which you can't clarify because you have to keep your identity a secret. Your friendship with Lex is becoming more and more tense too, he seems obsessed with your secrets.

  4. When you receive a message from your biological father (Jor-El), you begin to look for and process crystals. They're supposed to connect you with your destiny. Plant a crystal tree. On your search you also meet a very likeable Sim (Lois).

  5. When your adoptive father Ezra dies you feel responsible to have burdened him with your complicated life. You're afflicted by the question whether you can still live a normal life or should give in and follow your destiny.

  6. Extraterrestrial threats are approaching and your supposed friend Lex seems to be drawn to these evil forces. It doesn't really help that he's interested in your girlfriend Lana and the two of them even kissed. You keep on bumping heads and Lex plans to reveal your true identity. The relationship with Lana ends.

  7. After your graduation you move to San Myshuno and find a job as a Writer (Journalist) with the newspaper Daily Planet. Lois works there too and the you get along great. With time feelings for one another emerge and you get together romantically.

  8. When aliens threaten to take over earth, you fight them and make use of your job to warn the Sims. As the anonymous source "Blur" you publish enlightening papers.

  9. Your relationship with Lois deepens and you get engaged eventually. She accepts you just the way you are.

  10. In the end you manage to defeat the threat but can't keep your true identity secret anymore. As a symbol of hope and savior of the Sims you accept your role as superhero for once and for all. You're now known everywhere as Superman with the red cape.

  11. Here and there more heroic actions follow but for the most part the rest of your life will be harmonic. You get married to Lois and have two children (Dean and Sam). After the birth of your first child you move back to Copperdale into your family home.

  12. ​In your free time you're building a rocketship to travel to space and explore your origin. Travel to Sixam since you sadly can't visit your home planet anymore.

As soon as Sam is a young adult, you can start the next generation.

Generation 5: Supernatural

Sim: Sam (Winchester)

Cities: Britechester (pack: Discover University), Ravenwood (pack: Life & Death)

Intro: Sams family is pretty special: His father is an alien and it's no secret to them that there are other occult beings out there. Sam and his big brother Dean are fascinated by the supernatural ever since their childhood. But Sam is concentrating on his education for now. He lives on campus with his girlfriend (Jessica).

CAS-traits: Clumsy, Bro, Loyal
Additional traits: Brave, self-sacrificing, interested in the Paranormal
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Career: Paranormal Investigator (Freelance)
Skills/Hobbies: Medium, fabrication (sacred candles), handiness
Story progression

  1. You're studying Language and Literature at the university to become a lawyer someday. But when your brother is seeking you out to tell you about the disappearance of your father Clark, you drop everything to go looking for him together.

  2. Since you can't continue your studies like this and don't want to endanger your girlfriend, you leave Britechester and move into a haunted house in Ravenwood with Dean, in which you hung out a lot in the past. You're having a seance to ask the supernatural beings for help.

  3. The clues lead you to different places which you explore as Freelancers (Paranormal Investigators). There the evil seems to be getting stronger and stronger. When you finally find your father he sacrifices himself to rescue Dean from a demon.

  4. When you run into great danger yourself, Dean is the one to rescue you. Through a deal with a demon you shall live on but Dean has to descend into hell after a year. 

  5. ​A demon (Ruby) promisses you that Dean can be saved when you give in to your dark side. She will proved to be right: Dean returns eventually. But what you don't know: You triggered a disaster with your actions, the apocalypse is near.

  6. Plagued by guilt you're willing to do the right thing. You let all the evil in to stop the apocalypse and sacrifice yourself to save humanity from its demise. You're a ghost now and try to find a way to revive you yourself (book of life, Ambrosia, wishing well, spell or vitality nectar).

  7. Finally you manage to raise from the ream of the dead but something is different. Your soul is missing and it made you cold and emotionless. There's tensions between you and Dean.

  8. Dean desperately wants to get your soul back but the danger in that is that memories of your experiences in the netherworld could traumatize you. He can finally confince you and it's a battle but you manage to arrange yourself with your traumatic memories. This experience binds you and Dean closer again.

  9. You learn of a way to close the gates of hell once and for all and while you're ready to sacrifice yourself for this, Dean won't allow it which puts a strain on your relationship. You're doing a few gigs on your own for now.

  10. ​When the end of all worlds dawns you meet the son of the devil himself (Jack). He's completely different than his father, he wants to do good. Dean and you patch things up again and try to avert the impending doom together with Jack.

  11. You're willing to give it your all and that's exactly what you do. In the final fight dean rescues you and humanity with his sacrifice and accomplishes peace on earth.

  12. After Deans death you continue your work alone because some demons remain. Other than that the rest of your life is rather quiet and you shall live up until old age. You're not scared of death because you know you'll see Dean again.

And this is how the challenge ends...
Have fun re-playing!


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