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Once Upon a... Legacy Challenge #S4OUAL

Once upon a time... there was a legacy challenge about famous fairytales.

Basically the perfect foundation for a Sims challenge.
In 4 generations you will dive into their wonderous world.


General rules and hints:

  • You may choose the names and genders of all characters. You may affect the genders of the children.

  • If children are born before the given times that's okay. But they're in addition.

  • Charakter changes are allowed. You may even cheat them if they allign with the development of the character.

  • Whether you wish to use other cheats is up to you. Not using them is a plus for the sake of having fun in the game.

  • The rewards store may be used.

  • You may choose the lifespan yourself. At least "normal" should help you to be able to play the whole story progression.

  • Parts of the challenge can be changed towards your own game preferences.

  • The tasks of the storyline are formatted bold. The rest tells the story. 

Generation 1:
Red Riding Hood


  • Create the following household: A senior (the grandmother), two adults (the parents) and a child (Little Red Riding Hood).
    My version of the Sims are uploaded to the gallery. You can find them here.

  • Split the household as follows and place the residents in the world (recommendation: Henford on Bagley (pack: Cottage Living)):
    -  The grandmother moves into a little cottage in the forest with a dark cellar. 
    -  The parents move onto a little farm with Little Red Riding Hood ath the edge of the woods.

    -  You may use existing lots, build yourself or place something from the gallery.
       My versions of the builds are uploaded to the gallery. You can find them here: Red Riding Hood Farm, Grandmothers Cottage.

  • ​Establish a self-sufficient farm: Grow fruits and vegetables, get chickens and if you like a cow or a llama.

  • ​You may pause aging until the farm gets going and Little Red Riding Hood is ready to become a teenager.
    Then the story begins...


Once upon a time... there was a little sweet Sim. She lived on a little farm with her parents at the edge of the woods. Her dearest was her darling grandmother, who she visitted in her little cottage in the forest often. One time the beloved grandmother gifted her a hood made of red velvet. Because it looked fantastic on her she would now be known as Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood

Character: Sometimes a little naive and easily distracted, loves nature and life in the country
Favorite color: Velvet red

Skills/Hobbies: Baking, Cooking, Nectar making (alternative: Juice fizzing), Gardening, collecting objects


  1. As a child you loved to watch while they bake and they cook. Now you're old enough, it's your turn to boil something up from the book. And all the ingredients you need, grow in your farm garden, right up from the seed. When your dear grandmother gets sick and has to lay in bed, you grab your cape of red, a delicious bottle of homemade nectar and homebaked cake and go to visit her, make no mistake.
    Bake a cake and produce a bottle of nectar (both made from homegrown ingredients). Pack them up in a picknick basket.

  2. Your mother reminds you to be sweet and dear, she knows, you like to wander off the path to pick up some things, you just need to have. Whether it's flowers, frogs or cristal rocks, you need to put them all into your little box. It's time, you go into the forest and meet a fluzzy character with hair of gray. "Where are you going along this way?" it asks pryingly, waiting to see. You chat for a while with a big smile.
    Set off on your way to grandmother. Meet a (were-)wolf in the forest and talk to him.

  3. The wolf walks with you for a while, then he halts with a big smile "Do you see these flowers there?". You're charmed and pause to stand and stare. "Grandmother will be filled with delight, if I bring her blooms so bright." You gather up a fresh bouquet, the wolf moves on, he can not stay.
    Gather some flowers. (If you can't find any you may order them.)

  4. As the wolf arrives at a cottage door, he knocks once, then twice and waits some more. "Who's out there?" calls a voice from within. "It's Little Red Riding Hood, please let me in! I’ve brought you cake and a bottle of wine." "Oh you sweet child, that's just divine. Come in, my dear. I'm here in bed" the grandmother kindly and trustingly said. Without a word, the wolf steps inside and eats up grandmother with just one bite. He grabs her clothes and cap and puts them on, darkens the room to weaken sight, then lies in bed with great delight.
    Lock grandmother into the dark cellar (as a symbol that the wolf consumed her).

  5. While gathering you lose track of time, and soon the bells of lateness chime. You rush to grandmothers house with speed but find her door open, so you proceed. You step inside and great her sweet not knowing the danger you're about to meet.
    Go to your grandmothers house, step in and walk up to "her" (the wolf).

  6. At first you don't know that it's not her there. The room is dark, her cap hides her hair. With a little bit of dread, you step closer, up to her bed. "Oh grandmother, what great big ears you have." She replies: "All the better to hear you with." "And what great big eyes you have." "All the better to see you with." "What great big hands you have." "All the better to grab you with." "But grandmother, what terrible great big teeth you have." "The better to eat you with, my dear!" the wolf replies with a loud roar and eats you up, just like grandmother before.
    You get locked up in the dark cellar, in which your grandmother already sits.

  7. From his great feast the wolf begins to tire, a pleasent nap is his desire. The hunter passes the cottage near, a deep snore from within he can hear. He peeks inside and to his surprise, he spots the wolf in grandmothers disguise. He raises his rifle to take a shot, but stops when he hears a sneeze from the gut. "Oh my goodness, there's someone inside" he says and quickly takes a stride. With steady hands, he grabs some shears and cuts the wolf despite his fears. To his amazement, what does he see? A little red hood. Could this really be? A few more snips and you are free. "Oh dear hunter, I'm so glad to see." And just a moment later, safe and sound, out steps grandmother, no longer bound.
    The hunter rescues you from your prison. And your grandmother is saved too.

  8. The wolf was still in his deep snore, perhaps he needs to be punished some more. You gather stones, both heavy and round, and fill his belly where you were just found. When he wakes, it's far too late, the wolf meets his inevitable fate.
    Remove the wolf from the game.

    And the moral of the story? Wait... the generation doesn't end here yet, don't worry!

  9. You sit down in grandmothers kitchen together and share the delicious nectar and cake. You've swept the hunter off his feet and you too can't take your eyes off of your hero. You start seeing each other.

  10. Just after a few dates you realize you're made for one another. When you take over your parents farm, he moves in, you get married and have 2 children (Goldmary and Pitchmary).

As soon as Goldmary and Pitchmary are children, you can start the next generation.

Generation 2:

Mother Hulda


Once upon a time... there were two daughters, one who was pretty and hardworking, the other lazy and mean. But the nasty Pitchmary was good in putting the blame of her shenanigans on Goldmary and so their mother condemnes Goldmary to do all the work on the farm.


Character: Hardworking, neat, dutiful and optimistic

Favorite color: Gold

Skills/Hobbies: House- and farmwork, Crossstitch, Gourmet cooking, making music (Singing or an instrument)


  1. "Why can't you be like my dear Pitchmary? Now get to work, the chores won't do themselves, you see." Your mother screams her usual way but you stay silent with nothing to say. You handle your tasks without a sound and dare not rest while she's around. And when your legs are caving in, some new crossstitching you must begin.
    Take care of the farm- and housework. Learn to crossstitch.

  2. No joy or play was granted to you, not even on your birthday, that was nothing new. Now as you sit beneath a tree, embroiding, lost in reverie. Deep in thought, you prick your skin, the needle falls and tumbles in. You gasp with fear of mothers wreath you'd meet, can't find the needle at your feet. You search beneath the wondrous tree, it's beauty lures you curiously. You take your time and gaze around, exploring what there is to be found.
    Go to the lot "Crick Cabana" in Willow Creek and celebrate your birthday there alone. Get injured while crossstitching, investigate the colorful tree at the river.

  3. The tree seems hollow so you step inside. Somehow right there you see a light. You step towards it, what a wondrous place you have found, you never want to leave this beautiful ground. Then you hear a whisper, faint and light "Shake me, shake me, with all your might. All of us apples are ripe." Could it be? A talking tree? You shake its trunk with energy. They all fall down to the ground, soon a beautiful stack can be found.
    Travel to the Sylvan Glade, find a fruit tree and harvest it.

  4. You walk along and soon behold, a little house, both quaint and old. An older woman peeks outside, with hair of gray and teeth so white. You're a little anxious and want to flee but she already spotted thee. "Don't be afraid, my dear young one, come here quickly, no need to run. If you help an old woman in need, I'll reward you well indeed." Your heart is pure, so you agree, she smiles at you so gratefully.
    Discover a house* and meet its owner Mother Hulda. Help her with housework.

    *With the cheat bb.enablefreebuild the lot at the Sylvan Glade can be built on or be overwritten with something from the gallery. 

  5. Mother Hulda is pleased with what you do, you fluff her bed through and through. She values this with all her heart, is thankful that you play your part. When these feathers fly into the air, big white snowflakes fall down everywhere. And the world knows of Mother Huldas fame, she makes snow fall, as they proclaim. 
    Take care of Mother Huldas laundry (washing may only be done with a washtub).

  6. Time goes by but something's wrong. You've missed your home for far too long. Though life there isn't easy, it's true, you earn for the place that made you you. The old woman nods, she understands and guides you forth with gentle hands. She leads you to a mighty door, it opens wide, you look back once more. "You've worked so hard, dear Goldmary, forget me not for I'll remember thee." As you step into the gate it glows, a rain of gold upon you flows. And there is another surprise: The lost needle, you can't believe your eyes.
    Get going on your way back home. Before you get there, you deserve a golden makeover.

  7. You return home, your heart full of cheer and the rooster crows for all to hear: "Cock-a-doodle doo! Our golden girl has come home too!" Your mother greats you with delight, but Pitchmary is enraged with envy and spite. She grabs some fabric, a needle and a ring. It can't be that hard, this crossstitching thing. She sets off for the place that you have described, where wonders dwell and dreams reside. But when it comes to skill, she's not up to speed, on purpose she pricks her finger in need. On purpose she throws the needle aside and follows the trees path, deep and wide.
    Pitchmary leaves the farm to experience the same journey as you.

  8. Your sister acts with a graceless hand, lazy and stubborn in the magical land. The tree calls out but she won't shake, working hard she can not fake. When Mother Hulda gives her chores to do, she never does them unlike you. That sounds stressful, she's rather rest, after all, that's what she knows best. So nothing is done, no feathers fly, no snowflakes fall from a wintry sky. At last she's sent home, her trial's complete and she smiles wide, expecting her treat. But as she steps through the gate, black pitch rains down, what a fitting fate. The rooster crows as loud as they do "Cock-a-doodle doo! Our dirty girl has come home too!"
    Pitchmary returns and is pursued by bad luck for the rest of her life while fortune will forever be on your side.

    And the moral of the story? Wait... the generation doesn't end here yet, don't worry!

  9. From now on your life takes a turn for the better: You find a wealthy man, move into a magnificent house with him, get married and have 1 beautiful child (Clara).

  10. Because you got it so good, you decide to adopt 1 or more additional child/ren (Fritz and/or Luise). And so you live happily ever after.

As soon as Clara is a child, you can start the next generation.

Generation 3:

Nutcracker & Mouse King


Once upon a time... there was a wealthy family, who had all the pretty things in life. The oldest daughter had a vivid imagination and loved playing with her dolls, bringing them to life with her stories. Still she would've never thought that this would really happen someday.


Character: Imaginative, inventive, indulgent and pure hearted

Favorite color: Fir green

Skills/Hobbies: Creativity, (video-)games, Knitting, Writing, Painting


  1. Winterfest is a joy to you all, for presents are brought, both big and small. Amid the gifts what do you see? A nutcracker figure, so beautifully. A gift from your godfather, who is so skilled with carving wood, his creations have always been your favorite good. Such beauty you have never seen before, you go ahead to look at it some more. "May I take him and go play?" "Well, my darling, that's okay."
    Celebrate Winterfest with your family. You're gifted a beautiful nutcracker.

  2. The night grows late, your parents wait. It's time for bed "Just half an hour more?" you plead. You're just too sweet so it's agreed. As midnight strikes upon the clock, the clockhand moves with one big knock. The toys come alive with rushing sound as they stand up from your bedrooms ground. The nutcracker leads a soldiers band to face the Mouse King's fearsome stand. To everyones fright his power is might. You grab your shoe, you take your aim and send the little tyrant off in shame.
    Play with the nutcracker figurine and watch the fight of the toys.

  3. The Nutcracker becomes a boy full-grown and takes you to a realm that you've never known. Your knees grow weak as you're led inside, to a wondrous place you can not describe. Through halls of splendor with creatures rare, he shows you marvels beyond compare. He hands you a book and asks you to read "This tells the tale of my curse" and so you proceed.
    The Nutcracker turns into a boy. Travel to another world with him and read his story.
    Story: One day the mice were denied their bacon feast and from the palace halls released. The Mouse King's mother, filled with wrath, decided to take a vengeful path: "You treat us poorly, you think that's good? I'll turn your princess into a figure of wood!" The years went by with hope delayed, a cure not found for this sad fate. A special nut, the rarest kind, had to be found, to wake her mind. The nut was brought by a boy so pure, he'd lift the curse, that is for sure. As he began to break the spell, the Mouse King's mother came to tell: "The curse won't break, your plan's undone, now the boy shall be the wooden one." The princess revived, her life restored, but the boy was left, a toy ignored. No marriage as the heroes reward and loneliness filled his aching heart. The only way to free him now was to find true love somehow. But that's not all, a final task: Defeat the Mouse King, brave and strong, restore the peace forever long.

  4. From now each night you will reside in the toyland world until your hero's final fight. You vow to help him where you can, knit to armor this young man. To ensure his victory comes true, you gather up your brother's soldiers too.
    Knit a beanie, socks and a pullover as armor for the Nutcracker and gift him toys for his defense.

  5. One fateful night, the battle's won, the curse is lifted, the wooden shell gone. True love, you see, had sparked its might, it came from you, so pure and bright. Celebrations fill the palace halls as you wake up in your own four walls. You tell your parents of your quest and they just smile, a hand on their chest "Such a vivid imagination I hear, promise to never lose it, my dear."
    The Mouse King is defeated and the curse lifted. Tell your parents about the story from your dreams.

  6. Your birthday comes, a feast is laid and as you eat the birthday cake, your godfather enters with a guest, a handsome boy, so sharply dressed. Your heart is pounding, you're filled with surprise, you know the truth, it's in his eyes. You can't believe it, but it's true, the Nutcracker stands right in front of you.
    Celebrate your birthday with your family. Meet your godfathers nephew, the real Nutcracker.

    And the moral of the story? Wait... the generation doesn't end here yet, don't worry!

  7. Befriend the real Nutcracker, get to know and come to love him. You're connected by something very special. It's as if you've known each other for ages.

  8. Your imagination will never let you down. Write mysterious childrens books and paint abstract art.

  9. When you're of age, you get married eventually and have as many children as you wish.

As soon as the firstborn daughter is a teenager, you can start the next generation.

Generation 4:



Once upon a time... there was a beautiful girl, who just couldn't stand life in an upper class home anymore. She ran away and found shelter with a farmer*. She helped with farmwork and was cared for but money was tight. The farmer had an idea: If he claimed that the girl could carve wood into gold, the king would marry her.
*If you own the pack Horse Ranch it can also be a rancher.

Claras daughter

Character: Adventorous, skilful, stubborn, in need of lots of love and care

Favorite color: Wood brown

Skills/Hobbies: Gemology, farmwork, (Horse Riding), Handiness (Woodworking)


  1. You're plagued by worries, you feel all alone, but in your home the pain's never shown. No one sees what weighs on your mind, thruthfully it's too late as they will find. You can not stay, it's time to go, in your heart that's what you know. With just a bag of meager things, you head out to see what the future brings. Before too long a farmer you'll find, his offer to you is simple and kind.
    Pack up your belongings and leave home. Meet a farmer.

  2. "I don't have much, but it's enough, a modest life with work that's tough. Promise to help me here on my land and you can live in the room of the stables hand." You bow to him, your thanks sincere and step inside with inner cheer. The days are long, the work is hard but this life is so much more than you ever had before.
    The farmer takes you in. You live in a room next to the stables and help him with his farmwork in return.

  3. All seems well, yet money's tight, the farmer schemes a plan one night. "I'm so lucky to have her here, a girl so pretty, sweet and dear. The king seeks a bide, it's widely known, I'll send her forth to claim the throne. Just tell them she can carve wood into pure gold, that alone will have him sold." Under this pretense he offers your hand and off to the king's court you're sent.
    The farmer has a special task for you: Visit the castle and tell them he sent you.

  4. You're greeted in joyfull anticipation and led to a room, well more of a chamber in quiet gloom. "Do you see this pile of wood? Turn it to gold, like your old man said you could." You want to protest "I'm not his child!" but the door's already closed, your heart running wild. "What am I to do? It's an impossible task!", your smile grows cold of what they ask.
    In the castle you're led to a little chamber with a woodworking table and lots of woodstacks. You start carving.

  5. Now you sit there with your head in your hands, no way out to escape these cruel demands. But then a little man appears "Why do you weep, my dear young maid? Perhaps I can lend to you some aid." You tell of your fate. He asks "If I help you now, what will you give? How about your necklace, it's quite attractive." "If you can save me, you shall have it, I swear!" And just like that there's gold everywhere.
    A little man appears and offers to turn the wood into gold for you. You give him your necklace in return.

  6. Morning comes, your troubles are gone, but that relief won't last for long. For once again, when night draws near, they lock you up, new piles appear. The little man returns but you've got nothing left to pitch when he offers you a smile so rich. "How about your firstborn child?" he asks, your thoughts are running wild. You nod and think "How is he gonna know when it's due? I'm sure he'll forget about it too." He works his spell, the piles are turned to gold as well.
    The next night the little man turns the wood into gold once again. You offer up your firstborn child.

  7. With this last deed, you won his heart, the king proclaims your new lifes start. Though wealth alone won't bring delight, his love for you makes all things right. Your wishes, they will all come true and soon you'll have a baby bump too. Then one dark night, a figure appears, his laughter echoes in your ears. You try to pursade him as hard as you can but nothing's enough for the little man. The only way to break the claim, is for you to speak his name. Three days he offers you to guess if you dare, if not he'll come to take your heir.
    Get married to the king, have a child. The little man appears to claim the baby if you can't guess his name within three days.

  8. Despair drives you over hedges and ditches deep "What could his name be for my baby I will keep?" You've almost given up hope, can nearly see your new life elope. Then, far off on a pile of rocks high, some sort of entry catches your eye. You make the climb, you take a step in and find a place you have never been. Inside the grotto you find the little man, dancing around, singing over and over again "I am glad that nobody knew, that the name I am called is Rumpelstiltskin!"
    Go to the Desert Bloom Park in Oasis Springs and find an old mineshaft. Open it up* and travel to the Forgotten Grotto. There you'll watch the little man dancing around singing his name Rumpelstiltskin.

    *maximized handiness skill required

  9. ​When the third day dawns, the little man reappears, grinning wide, he mocks your fears "Now tell me, what's my name, my dear? Come, try and guess, the end is near." "Jack?" "Harry?" You watch him gloom, his victory about to bloom. But just before his triumph's claimed, you boldly speak: "Rumpelstiltskin!" "The devil told you that!" he shouts in shock, jumps into the air, blows up and is to be seen nowhere. 
    Guess the name of the little man and save your child with this act.

    And the moral of the story? Wait... the generation doesn't end here yet, don't worry!

  10. Since the legacy challenge ends here, you decide how the last generation shall come to an end.

And they all lived happily ever after...
Have fun re-playing!


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