Sims Blog
Sitcom Legacy Challenge #S4SL
Sitcoms are funny, charming and full of emotions.
Basically the perfect foundation for a Sims challenge.
In 5 generations you'll live through the ups and downs of life with your Sims.
1: Friends | 2: Full House | 3: Fuller House | 4: How I Met Your Mother | 5: The Big Bang Theory
General rules and hints:
ATTENTION: This challenge contains spoilers about the storylines of the series. In some parts just loosely oriented.
You may choose the names and genders. The given ones are only for orientation towards the series characters.
You may affect the genders of the children though.
Try to maximize the aspirations, careers (the last one where there's several) and skills (at least one) of the active generation.
If children are born before the given times that's okay. But they're in addition.
Character changes are allowed. You may even cheat them if they allign with the development of the character.
Whether you wish to use other cheats is up to you. Not using them is a plus for the sake of having fun in the game.
The rewards store may be used.
You may choose the lifespan yourself. At least "normal" should help you to be able to play the whole story progression.
Parts of the challenge can be changed towards your own game preferences (e. g. different career, skills, cities...)
Generation 1: Friends
Sims: Rachel Green and Monica Geller (age: Young adult)
City: San Myshuno (pack: City Living)
Rachel left her old life behind and moved into her best friend Monica's apartment*. She tries to stand on her own to feet for the first time earning money as a Barista. Monica works as a Fast Food employee.
*My version of the apartment is uploaded to the gallery. You can find it here.
Info: In the course of the generation you decide who you play it till the end with. You will choose the moment of when it will happen.
CAS-traits: High Maintenance, Romantic, Outgoing
Additional traits: Spoiled, fashionable, charismatic
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Careers: 1. Barista, 2. Retail Employee, 3. Style Influencer (Stylist)
Skills/Hobbies: Charisma, dancing, mixology
Story progression:
Meet a Sim (Ross) who you spend a lot of time with.
Even though Ross would like to be more than just good friends but he doesn't tell you so you start dating other Sims.
At some point Ross tells you that he's in love with you and you get together.
But you're not ready just yet. Ross's feelings for you are stronger than yours for him. You break up after a short amount of time.
Concentrate on your career for now: You start working as a Retail Employee.
You're successfull at your new job. A reason to celebrate: Have a party with all of your friends. You overdo it though and suddenly get married to Ross in a hush-hush operation. You annul (divorce) the wedding right away.
You go on dating other Sims.
A new career chance is emerging: You're offered a job as Style Influencer (branch: Stylist) and of course you accept. (Optional: Sell your outfit creations on Trendi.)
An oopsie is happening: After a spontaneous night with Ross you're expecting his baby.
You don't get together for now but move in* to raise your son (Danny) together.
*My version of the apartment is uploaded to the gallery. You can find it here. -
Danny is your everything. Through the loving mutual co-parenting you find your way back to each other and this time you both feel the same way. You get married.
CAS-traits: Neat, ambitious, foodie
Additional traits: Obsessed with cleaning, loves cooking
Aspiration: Master chef
Careers: 1. Fast Food employee, 2. Culinary (Chef)
Skills/Hobbies: Cooking, gourmet cooking, nectar making
Story progression:
Meet a Sim (Chandler) that you spend a lot of time with. You're becoming best friends.
You're on the lookout for your one true love and date around to find it.
Start a relationship with an older Sim (at least adult).
But it's not working out, you're at different places in your lifes too much. You break up after a while.
Concentrate on your career for now: You start working in the culinary career (branch: Cook).
Secretly start a relationship with your best friend Chandler. Your friends don't know about it.
Sneaking around may be exciting but you decide to open up about your relationship after a while.
It's going very well, you marry and move in together.
Your wish for children is unfulfilled in the beginning. You decide to adopt a baby (Danny).
As soon as Danny is a Teenager, you can start the next generation.

Generation 2: Full House
Sim: Danny (Tanner)
City: San Seqouia (pack: Growing Together)
Dannys parents took great care of him and showed him that true love exists.
He desperately wants to find his significant other and become a great father.
CAS-traits: Family-oriented, Loyal, Perfectionist
Additional traits: Indulgent, a little bit stuffy
Aspiration: Super Parent
Careers: 1. Babysitter, 2. Writer (Journalist)
Skills/Hobbies: Parenting, Writing, Fishing
Story progression:
You fall in love while still a Teenager and feel like this highschool-love is forever quite early on.
Look for a part-time job as a Babysitter. You want to save your own money early on to take care of your future family and to buy a house for them. Try to earn some extra cash by publishing books.
As soon as you're a young adult you get married to your highschool-sweetheart and have three children (DJ (Donna Jo), Stephanie and Michelle).
To take the best care of your family you decide to start a career: You become a Writer (branch: Journalist).
Everything could be perfect but fortune is not on your side: Your wife dies and suddenly you're alone with three kids.
But you're not that alone after all: One or two good friend/s move in to help you with parenting. It's a little crazy sometimes but you're happy tho have this/these friend/s.
It takes a while before you're ready to date again but as soon as your kids are older you try tp get back into the dating business.
You thought you could never love a new partner as much as your deceased wife but you fall in love again and live happily until you're gray and old.
As soon as DJ is a Teenager, you can start the next generation.

Generation 3: Fuller House
Sim: DJ (Donna Jo) (Tanner)
Cities: 1. Copperdale (pack: High School Years), 2. San Seqouia (pack: Growing Together)
DJ loved being the big sister and wishs to have a big family too.
But she has another dream: She wants open up her own veterinary clinic.
CAS-traits: Dog lover, Family-oriented, Ambitious
Additional traits: Role model, hardworking, loves animals
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Career: Veterinarian
Skills/Hobbies: Pet Training, Veterinarian, Fitness/Wellness
Story progession:
At school you meet your best friend (Kimmy) und your first boyfriend (Steve).
You're an exemplary student with top grades and aim for an early highschool graduation.
Apply to university and register for a major that fits your career goal of being a Veterinarian. You may live at home for the first semester but must move into a dorm starting your second semster.
Sadly your relationship with Steve ends because of the distance. But you'll meet the future father of your children at your dorm very soon.
At the end of your studies you'll become pregnant for the first time (Jackson, Max or Tommy).
Get a dog as a pet after your first baby is born.
You don't have a lot of time to celebrate your graduation because your second child (Ted) will follow very soon. More kids are optional. Put your career on the backburner for now and take care of your children.
Everything seems perfect but your partner decides to leave you hanging all of a sudden. You're a single parent now but remember your pleasent childhood with just one parent and their friend/s. And you're not alone either: Your sister Stephanie and/or your best friend Kimmy are there to help. You move back into your family home.
With all the support you finally got time to tackle your career wish. Buy a small practice and become a Veterinarian.
You go on a few dates but none of the Sims is right for you.
Then you meet your highschool-love Steve by chance and you get back together. Stephanie and/or Kimmy are ready to move on and start their own families. Steve moves in and you get married.
Adopt (another) dog or a cat as a pet.
As soon as Ted is a young adult, you can start the next generation.

Generation 4: How I Met Your Mother
Sim: Ted (Mosby)
City: Ciudad Enamorada (pack: Lovestruck)
Ted had a beautiful childhood and loves his family.
But the big city calls for him with all its hustle and bustle and that beautiful architecture.
And he's sure he'll find his one true love there.
CAS-traits: Perfectionist, Goofball, Bro
Additional traits: Loves stories, likes architecture
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Careers: 1. Civic Designer (Civil Planner), 2. Education (Professor)
Skills/Hobbies: Logic, Comedy, Research and Debate
Story progression:
Move into an apartment with your best friend (Marshall).
Find a job as a Civic Designer (branch: Civil Planner).
Meet your friends regularely at the bar close to your apartment complex.
There you'll meet a Sim (Robin) which leads to a casual relationship.
You're exclusive for a little while but your different goals in life end the romantic relationship. You stay good friends though.
Soon you'll meet someone new and everything is happening fast: You're already engaged after a short amount of time and plan your wedding.
But it's not meant to be: Your partner leaves you at the altar.
A job in Education is offered to you (branch: Professor) and since you need a change in your life you accept.
You start dating again but are still kind of sad about how things ended with Robin. But Robin is engaged now and even though it's hard you're happy for her..
At Robins wedding you meet someone new (Tracy).
You finally found the one: You get married and have two children (Leonard und Sheldon) together.
Tell your kids stories about how you met their mother every evening.
As soon as Leonard is a Teenager, you can start the next generation.

Generation 5: The Big Bang Theory
Sim: Leonard (Hofstadter)
City: Britechester (pack: Discover University)
As a child Leonard already knew that he wanted to be a scientist someday and did everything for that.
His brother is very similar and even though he's a little odd sometimes, they choose to attend university together.
CAS-traits: Genius, Geek, Socially awkward
Additional traits: Shy, likes to read comics
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Career: Scientist
Skills/Hobbies: Video gaming, Programming, Logic
Story progression:
You're the best of the best in school and part of the chess club. An early Highschool graduation seems like it's happening.
Apply to university with your brother Sheldon. Register for the major Physics together. Move to an apartment on Campus.
In your apartment complex you meet your neighbor (Penny). You're head over heals right away but feel like you're not in her league.
You start a relationship but it's not going to last long because you're just too different.
After a rough breakup-time you start to date other Sims.
Graduate from university. Start a job as a Scientist together with your brother. You both keep on living on the Campus complex.
Penny and you get back together. You start an on-off-relationhip but history repeats itself and it just doesn't seem like it's meant to be once again.
You're offered an expedition to Selvadora. After you find out Penny has a new boyfriend you accept.
Travel to Selvadorada, do excavations and explore the temple.
On your expedition you're starting to see what you want. Back home you gather the courage to tell Penny how you feel. And it works out: Your new found courage is being rewarded.
Move into your own home together and lead a long and happy marriage. You decide not to have children in the end.

And this is how the challenge ends...
Have fun re-playing!