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Teen Drama Legacy Challenge #S4TDL

Most Simsplayers love the drama, bringing that special something to the game.
Basically the perfect foundation for a Sims challenge.

In 5 generations you'll live through the ups and downs of life with your Sims.

General rules and hints:

  • ​ATTENTION: This challenge contains spoilers about the storylines of the series. In some parts just loosely oriented.

  • You may choose the names and genders. The given ones are only for orientation towards the series characters.

  • You may affect the genders of the children though.

  • Try to maximize the aspirations, careers (the last one where there's several) and skills (at least one) of the active generation.

  • If children are born before the given times that's okay. But they're in addition.

  • Character changes are allowed. You may even cheat them if they allign with the development of the character.

  • Whether you wish to use other cheats is up to you. Not using them is a plus for the sake of having fun in the game.

  • The rewards store may be used.

  • You may choose the lifespan yourself. At least "normal" should help you to be able to play the whole story progression.

  • Parts of the challenge can be changed towards your own game preferences (e. g. different career, skills, cities...)

Generation 1: Gilmore Girls

​Sims: Lorelei (age: Young adult) and Rory Gilmore (age: Teenager)

City: Willow Creek (Basegame) or Brindleton Bay (pack: Cats and Dogs)


Lorelei had her daughter Rory early and they have a very special relationship. It's still not easy as a single mother, Lorelei is still young too and has some goals of her own. But when it matters they're always there for each other.

CAS-traits: Loner, Ambitious, Goofball
Additional traits: Cheeky and determined, loves coffee
Aspiration: Romantic Explorer
Career: Self-owned business/es
Skills/Hobbies: Comedy, entrepreneur, something that matches the business
Story progression:

  1. Have your own business (you may choose which kind).

  2. Start a relationship with a faculty member from your daughters school (Max).

  3. It's going well with Max. You get engaged after a while.

  4. But during the wedding planning you realize you're not ready to get married yet. You split up.

  5. You develop feelings for your good friend (Luke) but nothing's happening between the two of you for now.

  6. A Sim from your past (Christopher, you can officially create him or set him as Rorys father) shows up and you get into a short relationship but realize you're not meant to be together this time either.

  7. Expand your business or start another.

  8. Your occupational success boosts your confidence. You dare to talk openly about your feelings with Luke and he reciprocates them. You get into a relationship.

  9. After a while you get engaged but when Luke finds out about having a child he didn't know about things get shaky and you break up.

  10. Christopher turns up on your doorstep again and you give it another try. You even get married spontaneously but the third time's not the charm here and you seperate once more.

  11. You simply can't forget about Luke so you try again and this time you end up happy.


CAS-traits: Genious, Ambitious, Bookworm

Additional traits: Focussed and curious, loves coffee

Aspiration: Academic

Career: Writer (Journalist)

Skills/Hobbies: Writing, research and debate

Story progression:

  1. While being a teenager you meet your first boyfriend (Dean).

  2. You just switched to a prestigious highschool and start to get settled at the new school. You give it your all. Become a sraight-A student and seek for an early graduation.

  3. Somehow you can't stop thinking about that new rebellious classmate (Jess). You write all your feelings down in your journal. Soon you split up with Dean and get together with Jess.

  4. Apply to university and register for the major communications. Join a student organization (debate guild e.g.).

  5. Move into a dorm for your study (at this point you decide whether you want to play Lorelei or Rory during her study. You can also play them in turns. If you play with Lorelei you may cheat Rorys degree).

  6. You're very busy and the distance lets your relationship with Jess fail.

  7. After you concentrate solely on your studies for a while, you meet a rich and charismatic fellow student (Logan).

  8. As your relationship deepens you realize his privileged lifestyle is not for you. It doesn't help that his parents think you're not good enough. Therefore you decline Logans marriage proposal.

  9. After your graduation you get a job as a Writer (Branch: Journalist).

  10. Have an affair with a married Sim (whether Rory knows he's married is up to you). He gets you pregnant and you decide to have the child (Lucas). The guy stays with his family though and has another child (Nathan) with his wife pretty much at the same time.

  11. Move back in with your mother. She helps with parenting.

  12. When Loreleis time has come you move away.

​As soon as Lucas is a teenager, you can start the next generation.


Generation 2: One Tree Hill

​Sims: Lucas (Scott)

City: Copperdale (pack: Highschool Years), San Myshuno (pack: City Living)


Lucas was raised by his mother and grandmother. He doesn't really have the best kind of relationship with his father and half-
brother. He loves playing Football (or Basketball). His half-brother is on the same team which often leads to tensions between the
two of them.

CAS-traits: Active, Insider, Creative
Additional traits: Loves Football (or Basketball) and literature
Aspiration: Beststelling Author
Career: Writer (Freelance)
Skills/Hobbies: Fitness, writing
Story progression:

  1. You're admitted to the Football team of your highschool (if you would like to play closer to the series the sport would be Basketball. But there's no team for that in Sims), that your half-brother Nathan also plays for.

  2. There's conflicts ever so often, especially because you're kind of into his girlfriend (Peyton). At a party you confess your feelings to her but she leaves you standing there.

  3. When Peytons good friend (Brooke) asks you for help because Peyton is in danger, you're there to save the day. When she is save Brooke and you get closer.

  4. Peyton confesses that she does have feelings for you too but you stay with Brooke. Later there's a kiss with Peyton and even though you try to fight it you'll soon have an affair.

  5. Eventually you decide to break up with Brooke after all and even though you tell her you just need some space, she secretly knows the real reason.

  6. While all of that girl drama is happening for you, Nathan is in a happy relationship now. That seems to have a positive impact on his mood. You get a long better and better and realize you're stronger together and can achieve more.

  7. You find out that you have a disease that restricts your ability to play sports. Because of that you concentrate more and more on your passion for writing. Soon you'll publish your first book in an autobiographical style.

  8. Graduate from highschool, leave Copperdale with all that drama behind and move into a small apartment in the big city of San Myshuno to take your chance on being a Writer (Freelancer). You'll find a new girlfriend (Lindsey) who supports your work. As time goes on she moves in with you.

  9. After some smaller writing job you want to start with your next book but a writers block prevents you from doing so. Lindsey suggests that you go back to your hometown to clear your head and find new inspiration. She soon follows you there.

  10. Peyton just moved back to Copperdale too and you encounter each other. Immediately your old feelings come up and you share a kiss. But you feel guilty and when you meet Lindsey back home you propose to her.

  11. That little mishap seems to be forgotten, the wedding planning is under its way. But Lindsey realizes more and more that you still have feelings for your ex, especially when she notices your new book is secretly about her. She eventually leaves you at the altar.

  12. You get back together with Peyton, get married and have a child (Ryan).

​As soon as Ryan is a teenager, you can start the next generation.


Generation 3: The OC

​Sim: Ryan (Atwood)

City: Oasis Springs (Basegame)


When Ryan just turned teenager, he looses his parents. There's no one there to take him in at first, he breaks bad. He's in trouble after being caught stealing. His lawyer shows compassion and lets him live inside the poolhouse at his familys estate.

CAS-traits: Kleptomaniac, Hot-headed, Bro
Additional traits: Hardheaded, modest
Aspirations: Life Fast (teenager), Soulmate
Civil Designer (Civic Planner)
Skills/Hobbies: Guitar, Handiness
Story progression:

  1. You didn't choose your difficult life situation, but you do have to answer for your criminal actions. Luckily your lawyer (Sandy) has a big heart and takes you in. You live in the poolhouse of the family estate. His wife (Kirsten) is not very enthusiastic about it but his son (Seth) is looking forward to your company.

  2. Seth is an outsider and pretty shy. But the two of you become friends and that boosts his confidence. He's even like a brother to you. The family decides to take you in as a foster child permanently.

  3. When you see your neighbor (Marissa) for the frist time, it's all up with you. The pretty girl really left an impression. After you encounter each other a few times and you meet her in school every now and then, you get together. 

  4. Your relationship with Marissa is turbulent. You're just from two different worlds. Marissa also has family issues which she doesn't handle very well so her mother sends her to therapy.

  5. The distance hurts you. It doesn't really help that a co-patient (Oliver) falls in love with Marissa and they spend a lot of time together. He puts her in danger later on and she trusts no one anymore. You end your relationship.

  6. A companion from your criminal past (Trey) shows up. When he wants to assault Marissa and you find out, you confront him. A fight happens. Marissa steps in but trey gets hurt and she gets suspended for it. 

  7. Marissa gets into the wrong crowd at her new school. She gets into a relationship with a schoolmate (Kevin) who got a bad influence on her. You loose contact more and more.

  8. On your mutual prom Kevin mistreats Marissa and goes on a rampage so he's thrown out. You drive Marissa home but Kevin is planning an ambush. There's an accident in which Marissas life comes to a tragic end.

  9. It takes a lot of time for you to get over Marissa. When you find out where Kevin lives, you confront him but realize he's not coping with the events of the accident very well either. You're still upset but you've changed, you're not a thug anymore.

  10. You find comfort in new friendships and after a while meet someone new (Taylor).

  11. Taylor inspires you to make something of your life. You go to university and study to become a Civil Designer (Civic Planner).

  12. You get married, have a child (Annie) and adopt another (Dixon).

​As soon as Annie is a teenager, you can start the next generation.


Generation 4: 90210

​Sim: Annie (Wilson)

Cities: Del Sol Valley (pack: Get Famous), San Myshuno (pack: City Living)


Annies family just moved to Del Sol Valley after her father got a promotion. That glamorous world is so different, they could've emigrated to another planet just as well. Then again this should probably help Annie go get one step closer to her dream. She wants to become an actress.

CAS-traits: Cheerful,
 Clumsy, Lovebug
Additional traits: Naive, seems innocent to others
Aspiration: Master Actress
Career: Actor
Skills/Hobbies: Acting, Singing
Story progression:

  1. Going to a new school is not easy, especially when everything is so different from your hometown. But you got your brother Dixon and together you find some new friends quickly. You're also joining the Drama Club.

  2. You get together with one of your friends soon (Ethan) but your relationship doesn't last long. He was with another girl from the friendsgroup before and that makes things complicated.

  3. At an unpleasent event you're responsible for (you can decide what it is; if you want to stick to the series: hit and run carcrash) a boy (Jasper) is watching you. He tries to get close to you and succeeds, you get together.

  4. Later Jasper lets you know he saw you at that event and blackmails you with it. Out of fear you stay with him at the beginning, but he seems more and more dangerous, so you end it eventually. Jasper confesses his probably never ending love for you so he keeps your secret.

  5. At home there's problems, your parents fight more and more often. You open up to a friend (Liam) about it. He knows that kind of fights from his own family and understands you. You get closer and start a relationship.

  6. Someday you tell Liam about your unpleasent event and he encourages you to tell your parents. You're ordered to stay in house arrest for some time but there's no further consequences if you stay out of trouble the next couple of years.

  7. Through an imprudent situation Liam endangers your parole. He confesses his whole responsibility but you can't get in danger like this so you split up after this happened.

  8. After your graduation you become an actress. Liam leaves town for a while to clear his head.

  9. When Liam gets back he proposes to you but you had no contact for a while so you feel blindsided and decline for now.

  10. But Liam fights for you and you accept a later proposal after all. You get married and have two kids (Serena and Blair).

  11. You're successfull in your career and make good money. You decide to move to a nice neighborhood in San Myshuno.

​As soon as Serena and Blair are teenagers, you can start the next generation.


Generation 5: Gossip Girl

​Sims: Serena (van der Woodsen) and Blair (Waldorf)

City: San Myshuno (pack: City Living)


Their family is wealthy and reputable, Serena and Blair grow up very privileged. But money alone doesn't make one happy and much drama is pretty much inevitable. Behind the shiny facade thinfs start to crumble, their parents get seperated. Serena can't handle it well and seems to get off the straight and narrow, while Blair tries to keep up appearances.

CAS-traits: Party animal, Nosy, Romantic
Additional traits: Spontaneous, fun-loving
Aspiration: Drama Llama (teen), City Native
Career: Social Media (Public Relations)
Skills/Hobbies: Charisma, Dancing
Story progression:

  1. Your mother sent you away to a boarding school for some time to deprive you of the huste and bustle of the city. When you get back everyone's whispering secretly about you and you estranged from your sister Blair pretty mich too. One reason for this is your secret: You kissed her boyfriend (Nate) while being tipsy. She doesn't know about it.

  2. Your relationship has its ups and downs. Of course Blair finds out why someday why you've distanced yourself. There's silence between the two of you for now.

  3. Back in school you meet a charming outsider (Dan) who somehow stands out from the crowd. It could be because he's not part of the rich elite. His company is refreshingly different, you get closer and start a relationship.

  4. With time Blair and you approach each other more and more. Your past was turbulent but you grew from it and fess up about your mistakes. You're sisters ultimately, of course you patch things up.

  5. A former friend from your wild past (Georgina) shows up and wants to revive the old times. You did some crazy things back then and you're afraid they might get out and disgrace you, so you engage with her for now.

  6. But Georgina is deceitful and pretends to be the lovely "Sarah" in front of your boyfriend secretly. You find out eventually but Dan has no reason to mistrust her. He thinks you're jealous and so the fighting starts. You split up.

  7. Finally your sister Blair gets Georgina to leave town. But even now as Dan knows the truth, you stay seperated. You do get back together later on but all you do is talk through each other so that short romance ends quickly.

  8. You concentrate on your graduation and your future for now. Your life finally has some control without any drama. You find a job in Social Media (Branch: Public Relations).

  9. When your mother gets together with Dans father (Rufus) you're in shock. They were a couple back in their youth but you still have feelings for Dan and that makes everything so much more complicated.

  10. Because of this you distance yourself more from Dan and meet a new guy (Gabriel) through a friend. It's even getting serious between the two of you but as it turns out, he's a fraud and just wanted your families money.

  11. Your mother is furious about you sticking your nose where it doesn't belong and punishes you for it. Rufus doesn't recognize her like this and seperates.

  12. You decide to put each and any drama behind for good. You scale up at your job and finally find your happiness in your private life as well: In fact with Dan.


CAS-traits: Mean, High Maintenance, Ambitious

Additional traits: Manipulative, demanding

Aspiration: Admired Icon (teen), Seeker of Secrets

Career: Style Influencer (Stylist)

Skills/Hobbies: Mischief, Entrepreneur

Story progression:

  1. Your status in the world is very important to you. When your sister Serena returns from boarding school, the two of you estranged from one another. You don't like all the secret whispering about her either. She keeps distancing herself anway, so you do too.

  2. Soon you'll find out the reason for Serenas behavior: She kissed your boyfriend (Nate) while being tipsy. You're outraged and there's silence between the two of you.

  3. You stay with Nate for now. Ultimately you don't want others to know about his adultery, it's your reputation that's on the line too. You secretly evolve feeling for another classmate (Chuck) though.

  4. Slowly but surely your relationship with Serena thrives again. She made some mistakes but fesses up about them.  You're sisters ultimately, of course you patch things up.

  5. A spontaneous night with Chuck happens. The relationship with Nate shatters but Chuck leaves you hanging too, his friendship with Nate is more important to him. You've got something going on with both of them every now and then, but nothing serious.

  6. You get together with another man (Louis) later on. He's a prince and you feel like you're in a fairytale.

  7. You graduate and start a job in the Style Influencer career (Branch: Stylist). You also create outfits regularly, which you sell on the plattform Tendi.

  8. And it seems to be going well in your private life too: Louis proposes to you. You tell Chuck about it to end the chapter with him. You spend the night together but Chuck tells you that you need to get back to Louis because he will supposedly make you happier.

  9. Louis and you get married. But he knows your secrets and after the wedding he reveals to you that your marriage is just for show. He feels no love for you. Of course he noticed that Chuck still means more to you.

  10. In this hopeless situation a pretty unexpected character gives you comfort: Serenas ex-boyfriend (Dan). There's even a kiss after you realize you've got lots of interests in common. But in the end you get along better on a friendship level.

  11. You simply just can't stand away from Chuck to be honest so you confess your love to him and finally the two of you are ready for this love to be reciprocated.

  12. This honest relationship gives you the courage you need to end the marriage with Louis, no matter the consequences. You realize that your reputation is not the most important thing, but your luck is. And it's finally yours: In fact with Chuck.


And this is how the challenge ends...
Have fun re-playing!


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